1. Select the necessary instructions.
2. Copy the <iframe> code of the embedded instructions and install it on your site.
3. Check the height of the block in your browser, if the instructions are not fully displayed, change height="***", be sure to leave a margin for indentation at the bottom, since pages are displayed differently for different browsers.
4. Check sometimes the instructions pages, and if necessary, after adding or changing the information, adjust the height="*** " value.
iframe code for page
@Status Detecting
<iframe width='100%' height='1800' src='https://macrohelper.site/en/iframe/status-page-no-recoil-tools-scripts-macros.html' rel='nofollow' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' allowtransparency seamless></iframe>

iframe code for page
@Bloody main
with links to support all manuals
iframe code for page
@supported Bloody mice
iframe code for page
@how to install MGN macro
iframe code for page
@how to install AMC macro
iframe code for page
@how to use AMC shift on left button
iframe code for page
@how to Bloody Bypass mouse kick

iframe code for page
@Logitech main
with links to support all manuals
iframe code for page
@supported Logitech mice
iframe code for page
@how to install LUA script LG HUB
iframe code for page
@how to install LUA script LGS
iframe code for page
@advices and problem fix
iframe code for page
@how to use the script safely

iframe code for page
@Razer main
with links to support all manuals
iframe code for page
@supported Razer mice
iframe code for page
@how to install XML macro Synapse 3
iframe code for page
@how to use a macro safely